



  • 所有BM和BME学生必须通过钢琴能力考试.  这是可以做到的 两种方式.   
    1. 通过钢琴能力考试(MED 302). 
    2. A passing grade in the fourth semester class piano course (MED 202).

Option 2 requires that the student take a piano placement test (further information 关于分班测试的信息如下). 考试结束后,学生 will be placed into the appropriate course based on their skill level.  选择这个 option may require the student to complete MED 101, MED 102, and MED 201 (first, second, 第三学期钢琴课).  学生必须取得及格成绩才有资格 to advance to the next semester of class piano, and they must pass the mid-term and 这些课程的最终评审团.

  • Transfer students have the opportunity to either attempt the piano competency 考试, or to take the piano placement test prior to the beginning of their studies at USM. ​ The competency 考试 and placement test are offered on the date listed on the 转学生 页面.

(Some transfer students may have already passed a piano competency 考试 at the college 或转学的大学.  有关 steps they should follow is found at the bottom of this document).

  • Freshmen have the opportunity to take the placement test during the first week of 秋季学期的课程(博士. 艾伦的助理. 教授. 钢琴与课堂钢琴 Coordinator, will visit the MED 101 classes during the first week of the fall semester and administer the test to students who have prior piano background).
  • 学生 can opt to take the piano competency 考试 at any time. 然而,所有的学生 are required to register for class piano until they complete the competency 考试 requirements.

The majority of students benefit greatly from taking the four semesters of class piano.  The MED 201 and 202 courses cover advanced concepts which are on the competency 考试, including open score reading, hymn playing with four voices, harmonization and transposition with left-hand accompaniment styles, and collaborating with another instrument/voice.  这些概念对学生来说非常具有挑战性 to prepare on their own, so the classes can help them with this material. 

  • Advisors should help ensure that students enroll in class piano every semester until completing MED 202 (fourth semester class piano), or until they have completed the 能力考试(MED 302). 只有有相当钢琴背景的学生才应该 尝试能力考试.  
  • 学生 attempting to take the piano competency 考试 should contact Dr. 艾伦的 在艾伦.elder@bikinganteng.com.  She can provide the specific competency 考试 materials for their practice (these materials are also provided during the class piano courses). The 考试 is offered five times throughout the year (mid-term and final 考试s week 在秋季和春季学期,以及七月底).  
  • 学生 should register for the 能力考试(MED 302) during the semester in 他们打算参加哪一个考试.
  • 学生 must attempt all eight portions of 考试 on their first attempt. 只有 students who have completed four semesters of class piano may take portions of the 考试.

If all eight portions are not passed, the student will be allowed to perform just 重考的那些部分.  如果学生没有通过剩下的考试 parts at this sitting, they will continue to take 考试 until all parts are passed.



  1. Play all Major and harmonic minor scales, one octave, hands together, ascending and 下行.
  2. Play all Major/minor chord progressions (I vi 6/3 ii V6/5 I) and (i VI 6/3 ii dim. 6/5 i),双手合十.
  3. Prepare two vocalizations suitable for warming up a choir, one moving by step, the 其他移动跳绳.  Be able to play each of them both ascending and 下行 在音色上,从任何音高开始.
  4. Harmonize a melody by adding chord symbols or Roman numerals, using at least four 不同的和弦.  准备至少三种不同的低音模式.  玩了 重拍上的和弦是不可接受的选择.  把这个旋律调高一个大调 second, up a perfect fifth, and down a minor third from the original key.  学生 我将从Dr. 长者一星期前 考试.
  5. Read a four-part open score, playing at least two parts simultaneously, in the appropriate 合唱或器乐作品的音域/音域.  学生们将被要求 switch voice parts at selected cadences throughout the performance of the open score.
  6. 表演两个不同风格时期的独舞.
  7. Perform a four-voice version of a hymn, chorale, or patriotic song.
  8. Perform an accompaniment to a simple art song or instrumental work at a reasonable performance tempo while the professor plays or sings the solo line.


学生 should prepare the following items for placement into MED 101, 102, 201, or 202:

  • MED 101--beginning class piano, for those with little to no experience.  没有位置 测试要求.  只在秋季提供.
  • MED 102--for placement into MED 102, please prepare all 14 Major/minor white key scales, 1 octave, hands together, with correct fingerings (harmonic form only for the minor 尺度).  只在春天提供.
  • MED 201--for placement into MED 201, please prepare all 24 Major/minor white and black key scales, 1 octave, hands together, with correct fingerings (harmonic form only 对于小调音阶).  只在秋季提供.
  • MED 202--for placement into MED 202, please prepare all 24 Major/minor white and black key scales, 1 octave, hands together, with correct fingerings (harmonic form only 对于小调音阶).  只在春天提供.

If students have questions about the piano competency 考试, or need scale fingerings 对于他们的实践,他们应该联系医生. 艾伦·埃尔德 艾伦.elderFREEMississippi.

If a student is interested in majoring in piano, they should contact keyboardfacultyFREEMississippi.

If a student has already passed a piano competency 考试 at the college ​or university from which they are transferring, that 考试 must be comparable to USM's Piano Competency 以上考试要求.

The student must provide the name and email address of the professor who administered 考试. Dr. 艾伦·埃尔德会联系这位教授,原因如下:

  1. A description of the items on 考试 (details regarding the specific items performed).
  2. 获得的成绩(如适用). 这些学生应该发送姓名和电子邮件地址 在他们之前的机构的教授. 艾伦·埃尔德 艾伦.elderFREEMississippi.






